All Systems Operational

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D24 status page for real-time and historical data on system performance.

Cashin APIs Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Cashout APIs Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Merchants Portal Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Payment methods Operational
90 days ago
99.97 % uptime
Argentina - BBVA Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Argentina - Galicia Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Brazil - Banco do Brasil Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Brazil - Banco Inter Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Brazil - Banco Original Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Brazil - Banrisul Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Brazil - Boleto Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Brazil - Bradesco Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Brazil - Caixa Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Brazil - C6 Bank Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Brazil - Itaú Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Brazil - Mercado Pago Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Brazil - Nubank Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Brazil - PagSeguro Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Brazil - PicPay Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Brazil - Pix Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Brazil - Santander Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Bolivia - Pago Facil Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Chile - Bank Transfer Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Chile - BCI Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Chile - Banco Estado Operational
90 days ago
99.97 % uptime
Chile - Banco Falabella Operational
90 days ago
98.64 % uptime
Chile - Banco Santander Operational
90 days ago
99.97 % uptime
Chile - Itaú Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Chile - MercadoPago Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Chile - Webpay Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Chile - Banco de Chile Operational
90 days ago
99.97 % uptime
Colombia - Nequi Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Colombia - Baloto Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Colombia - Bancolombia Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Colombia - Efecty Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Colombia - Mastercard Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Colombia - PSE Operational
90 days ago
99.87 % uptime
Colombia - Visa Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Ecuador - Activa WesternUnion Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Ecuador - Banco Guayaquil Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Ecuador - Banco Pichincha Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Ecuador - Facilito Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Ecuador - Farmacias911 Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Ecuador - Mastercard Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Ecuador - Pago Ágil Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Ecuador - Pichincha MiVecino Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Ecuador - ServiPagos Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Ecuador - Tia Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Ecuador - Visa Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Ecuador - Western Union Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
India - GooglePay Operational
India - NetBanking Operational
India - PhonePe Operational
India - UPI Operational
Kenya - M-Pesa Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Mexico - BBVA Bancomer Operational
90 days ago
99.96 % uptime
Mexico - CoDi Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Mexico - Mastercard Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Mexico - OXXO Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Mexico - Spei Operational
90 days ago
99.96 % uptime
Mexico - Todito Cash Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Mexico - Visa Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Panama - Mastercard Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Panama - Visa Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Paraguay - Mastercard Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Paraguay - Visa Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Peru - BCP Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Peru - Mastercard Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Peru - PagoEfectivo Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Peru - Visa Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Peru - Tupay Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Peru - BBVA Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Peru - ScotiaBank Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Peru - Interbank Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Peru - Yape Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Payouts Operational
90 days ago
99.98 % uptime
Brazil Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Chile Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Colombia Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
India Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Mexico Operational
90 days ago
99.85 % uptime
Panama Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Peru Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Ecuador Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
External Providers Operational
AWS cloudfront Operational
AWS ec2-sa-east-1 Operational
AWS ec2-us-east-1 Operational
AWS health Operational
AWS rds-us-east-1 Operational
AWS route53 Operational
Ticketing System Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
Degraded Performance
Partial Outage
Major Outage
Major outage
Partial outage
No downtime recorded on this day.
No data exists for this day.
had a major outage.
had a partial outage.
Create Cashin API Response Time
Create Cashout API Response Time
Merchant Panel Response Time ?
Past Incidents
Jul 27, 2024

No incidents reported today.

Jul 26, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 26, 23:30 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 26, 23:03 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that BBVA is presenting issues on their side, resulting in an intermittence that affects the BBVA Bancomer and SPEI payments. All D24 services are fully functional.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will update you on this incident as soon as we see any improvements.

Jul 26, 21:40 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 26, 07:29 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 26, 07:19 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Itaú payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 26, 06:59 UTC
Jul 25, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 25, 23:32 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 25, 23:22 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Caixa payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 25, 23:02 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 25, 15:01 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 25, 14:51 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Caixa payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 25, 14:10 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 25, 11:04 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 25, 10:43 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Caixa payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting PIX transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 25, 08:46 UTC
Investigating - We are currently investigating this issue.
Jul 25, 08:46 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 25, 08:07 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 25, 07:37 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we seeing a decline in the conversion rate for the SPEI payment method. Users continue to report issues with making payments via SPEI. We will continue to monitor the situation closely. Rest assured, all D24 services are fully functional.
Jul 25, 05:17 UTC
Investigating - We are currently investigating this issue.
Jul 25, 05:16 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 25, 04:49 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 25, 03:18 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Santander payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 25, 03:07 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 25, 02:56 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 25, 02:36 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Santander payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 25, 02:26 UTC
Jul 24, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 24, 23:42 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 24, 22:58 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified issues with Open Finance (ITP), affecting bank transfers for all banks. All D24 services are fully operational.
We will continue to monitor this incident and provide updates as soon as there are any developments.

Jul 24, 21:31 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 24, 19:41 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 24, 19:28 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Banco do Brasil payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 24, 19:24 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 24, 09:35 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 24, 07:53 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that ACH Colombia is currently facing issues on their side, resulting in a decrease in the conversion rate that is impacting payments through PSE for all banks. We want to assure you that all D24 services are fully operational.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will update this incident as soon as we have any news.

Jul 24, 06:47 UTC
Investigating - We are currently investigating this issue.
Jul 24, 06:47 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 24, 03:46 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 24, 03:14 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Caixa payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 24, 02:19 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 24, 02:25 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 24, 02:21 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Itaú payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 24, 02:00 UTC
Jul 23, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 23, 22:27 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 23, 22:07 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Banco do Brasil payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 23, 21:16 UTC
Jul 22, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 22, 23:36 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 22, 20:11 UTC
Update - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values for BBVA. However, BCP payouts in Peru are still experiencing intermittencies.  
We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates on any improvements

Jul 22, 17:41 UTC
Identified - The provider has been facing issues with their platform, causing a partial outage in the approvals for payout and a decrease in the conversion rate for BCP and BBVA. They are working on a fix and since any news becomes available we will inform you.
Jul 22, 15:03 UTC
Jul 21, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 21, 21:32 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 21, 20:35 UTC
Identified - The provider has been facing issues with their platform, causing a partial outage in the approvals for payout and a decrease in the conversion rate for SPEI and BBVA Bancomer. They are working on a fix and since any news becomes available we will inform you.
Jul 21, 19:21 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 21, 11:08 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 21, 10:50 UTC
Identified - The provider has been facing issues with their platform, causing again a partial outage in the approvals for payout and a decrease in the conversion rate for SPEI and BBVA Bancomer. They are working on a fix and since any news becomes available we will inform you
Jul 21, 06:17 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 21, 03:32 UTC
Update - The provider has been facing issues with their platform, causing a partial outage in the approvals for payout and a decrease in the conversion rate for SPEI and BBVA Bancomer. They are working on a fix and since any news becomes available we will inform you.
Jul 21, 01:31 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that BBVA is presenting issues on their side, resulting in an intermittence that affects the BBVA Bancomer and SPEI payments. All D24 services are fully functional.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will update you on this incident as soon as we see any improvements.

Jul 21, 00:50 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 21, 10:58 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 21, 10:53 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that Banco Bancolombia is currently presenting issues on their side resulting in intermittences on the approval of payments through PSE. All D24 services are fully functional.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will update this incident as soon as we have any news.

Jul 21, 10:18 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 21, 08:21 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 21, 02:04 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified issues on Caixa's side that are causing instability in their Open Finance (ITP) service, affecting bank transfers. However, please note that Pix payments through Caixa are not affected and all D24 services are fully functional.
We will continue monitoring this incident and inform you as soon as any news becomes available.

Jul 21, 00:01 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 20, 23:27 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified issues with Open Finance (ITP), affecting bank transfers for all banks. All D24 services are fully operational.
We will continue to monitor this incident and provide updates as soon as there are any developments.

Jul 20, 20:22 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 21, 04:01 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 21, 03:50 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Banco do Brasil payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 21, 03:39 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 21, 03:41 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 21, 03:31 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Banco Inter payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 21, 03:11 UTC
Jul 20, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 20, 08:07 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 20, 07:24 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that Yape is presenting issues on their platform resulting in lower conversion rates for the method itself, Tupay, and PagoEfectivo. All D24 services are fully functional.
We are closely monitoring this situation and will provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 20, 06:48 UTC
Jul 19, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 19, 20:19 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 19, 19:59 UTC
Identified - We want to inform you that we are observing a decrease in conversion rates for WebPay due to intermittent issues on Transbank's side. All D24 services are fully functional.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will update this incident as soon as we have any news.

Jul 19, 19:23 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 19, 18:52 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 19, 18:42 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Banco Inter payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 19, 18:11 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 19, 15:39 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 19, 15:00 UTC
Update - We want to inform you that we are still seeing a decrease in the conversion rates of Bradesco payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 19, 11:02 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Bradesco payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 19, 05:47 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 19, 13:29 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 19, 12:08 UTC
Identified - The provider has been facing issues with their platform, causing a partial outage in the approvals for payout and a decrease in the conversion rate for SPEI and BBVA Bancomer. They are working on a fix and since any news becomes available we will inform you.
Jul 19, 10:25 UTC
Investigating - We are currently investigating this issue.
Jul 19, 09:34 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 19, 12:28 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 19, 11:00 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that BCP is presenting issues on their side, resulting in an intermittence that affects Tupay and PagoEfectivo payments.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will update this incident as soon as we see any improvements. We would like to assure you that all D24 services are operating without any disruptions.

Jul 19, 10:20 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 19, 10:21 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 19, 09:49 UTC
Identified - We want to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Santander payments due to an error on their HomeBanking application.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 19, 06:09 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 19, 10:15 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 19, 09:51 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that Yape is presenting issues on their platform resulting in lower conversion rates for the method itself, Tupay, and PagoEfectivo. All D24 services are fully functional.
We are closely monitoring this situation and will provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 19, 05:29 UTC
Jul 18, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 18, 23:15 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 18, 20:54 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified issues on Santander's side that are causing instability in their Open Finance (ITP) service, affecting bank transfers. However, please note that Pix payments through Santander are not affected and all D24 services are fully functional.
We will continue monitoring this incident and inform you as soon as any news becomes available.

Jul 18, 17:48 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 18, 23:08 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 18, 22:54 UTC
Update - We would like to inform you that Banco Bancolombia is still presenting issues on their platform resulting in lower conversion rates for the method, affecting PSE payments as well. All D24 services are fully functional.
We are closely monitoring this situation and will provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 18, 21:57 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that Banco Bancolombia is currently presenting issues on their side resulting in intermittences on the approval of payments through PSE. All D24 services are fully functional.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will update this incident as soon as we have any news.

Jul 18, 18:07 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 18, 21:20 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 18, 21:10 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Mercado Pago payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 18, 20:49 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 18, 17:31 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 18, 17:11 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Banco do Brasil payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 18, 16:50 UTC
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Jul 18, 13:00 UTC
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jul 18, 07:00 UTC
Scheduled - We would like to inform you that SPEI has scheduled an internal maintenance window for this Thursday, July 18th, 2024, between 07:00 AM and 01:00 PM UTC. During that time, the payment method SPEI service may suffer from intermittences while creating and approving transactions. Payouts from Mexico may also present delays. We invite you to take the appropriate measures.
Jul 17, 15:46 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 18, 10:59 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 18, 10:53 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that Banco Daviplata is currently presenting issues on their side resulting in intermittences on the approval of payments through PSE. All D24 services are fully operational. We are closely monitoring the situation and will update this incident as soon as possible.
Jul 18, 10:32 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 18, 09:13 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 18, 07:42 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that ACH Colombia is currently facing issues on their side, resulting in a decrease in the conversion rate that is impacting payments through PSE for all banks. We want to assure you that all D24 services are fully operational.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will update this incident as soon as we have any news.

Jul 18, 06:06 UTC
Investigating - We are currently investigating this issue.
Jul 18, 06:06 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 18, 01:34 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 17, 23:57 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Banco Estado payments due to an error on their HomeBanking application, affecting the method and Webpay transactions as well. All D24 services are fully functional.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 17, 22:33 UTC
Jul 17, 2024
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Jul 17, 09:30 UTC
Verifying - We are glad to inform you that we’ve successfully completed the Maintenance Window activities.
You can now safely return traffic toward our APIs.
We will continue monitoring for the next few hours for any unexpected situations.

Jul 17, 08:07 UTC
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jul 17, 07:00 UTC
Scheduled - We would like to inform you of a scheduled maintenance window for next Wednesday 17, July 2024, from 07:00 AM to 09:30 AM UTC. During this time, our services will be temporarily taken offline to allow us to perform crucial infrastructure improvements.

Date: July 17th, 2024
Time: 07:00 AM - 09:30 AM UTC
Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes

Impact on Services:

All of our APIs and backoffice tools will be unavailable for around one hour and any attempts to use our services will result in error responses.
While we anticipate completing the maintenance within approximately one hour, we have reserved a 2-hour and 30-minute window to properly monitor the changes.

These infrastructure enhancements are essential to continue making our systems more resilient, scalable, and efficient; ultimately improving the quality and reliability of the services we provide to you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your AM or TAM.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Jul 8, 15:39 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 17, 06:49 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 17, 06:49 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that BBVA is presenting issues on their side, resulting in an intermittence that affects the BBVA Bancomer and SPEI payments. All D24 services are fully functional.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will update you on this incident as soon as we see any improvements.

Jul 17, 05:17 UTC
Investigating - We are currently investigating this issue.
Jul 17, 05:17 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 17, 03:22 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 17, 03:11 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of C6 Bank payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 17, 03:01 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 17, 01:29 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 17, 01:18 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Caixa payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 17, 01:08 UTC
Jul 16, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 16, 21:41 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 16, 19:09 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified issues on Santander's side that are causing instability in their Open Finance (ITP) service, affecting bank transfers. However, please note that Pix payments through Santander are not affected and all D24 services are fully functional.
We will continue monitoring this incident and inform you as soon as any news becomes available.

Jul 16, 18:05 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 16, 08:29 UTC
Monitoring - We see conversion rates back to normal values. We will continue monitoring for any further issues.
Jul 16, 07:39 UTC
Update - We want to inform you that the issue with Banco Nequi is still ongoing. We are closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates as soon as we have new information.
Jul 16, 01:15 UTC
Identified - We want to inform you that Banco Nequi is currently presenting issues on their side resulting in intermittences on the approval of payments through PSE. All D24 services are fully operational.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will update this incident as soon as any news becomes available.

Jul 15, 22:28 UTC
Investigating - We are currently investigating this issue.
Jul 15, 22:02 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 16, 01:54 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 16, 01:25 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that BBVA is presenting issues on their side, resulting in an intermittence that affects the BBVA Bancomer and SPEI payments. All D24 services are fully functional.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will update you on this incident as soon as we see any improvements.

Jul 16, 00:44 UTC
Jul 15, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 15, 19:25 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 15, 18:32 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that BBVA is presenting issues on their side, resulting in an intermittence that affects the BBVA Bancomer and SPEI payments. All D24 services are fully functional.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will update you on this incident as soon as we see any improvements.

Jul 15, 17:35 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 15, 17:46 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 15, 17:30 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that BCP is presenting issues on their side, resulting in an intermittence that affects Tupay payments.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will update this incident as soon as we see any improvements. We would like to assure you that all D24 services are operating without any disruptions.

Jul 15, 17:02 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 15, 16:37 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 15, 16:16 UTC
Update - We want to inform you that Santander's issues are still ongoing. We are closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates as soon as we have any new information.
Jul 15, 14:43 UTC
Identified - We want to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Santander payments due to an error on their HomeBanking application.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 14, 21:35 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 15, 15:35 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 15, 15:19 UTC
Update - We want to inform you that Bradesco is still presenting issues on their side which continue to affect their approvals through Pix.
We will continue monitoring and updating the incident as soon as any news becomes available.

Jul 15, 14:23 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Bradesco payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 15, 13:35 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 15, 14:56 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 15, 14:24 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified issues on Santander's side that are causing instability in their Open Finance (ITP) service, affecting bank transfers. However, please note that Pix payments through Santander are not affected and all D24 services are fully functional.
We will continue monitoring this incident and inform you as soon as any news becomes available.

Jul 15, 12:18 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 15, 11:39 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 15, 11:19 UTC
Identified - We want to inform you that Banco Nequi is currently presenting issues on their side resulting in intermittences on the approval of payments through PSE. All D24 services are fully operational.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will update this incident as soon as any news becomes available.

Jul 15, 10:39 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 15, 11:18 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 15, 11:08 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that Banco Falabela is currently presenting an error on their Home Banking application resulting in lower conversion rates for the method, affecting payments through Webpay as well. All D24 services are fully functional.
We are closely monitoring this situation and will provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 15, 05:58 UTC
Investigating - We are currently investigating this issue.
Jul 15, 05:58 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 15, 10:42 UTC
Monitoring - We would like to inform you that OXXO has fixed the issue on their end and the payments that were pending from yesterday in our system have been released.
We now observe conversion rates reaching the expected values and will continue to monitor and keep you informed of any further issues.

Jul 15, 10:19 UTC
Update - We would like to inform you that the provider maintenance has been completed. However, we are still experiencing delays with OXXO payments. We are actively communicating with the provider and awaiting their response.
We will continue to monitor the situation closely and will notify you immediately once we receive a resolution from the provider.

Jul 14, 22:24 UTC
Identified - We want to inform you that we have identified a delay in OXXO payments due to maintenance on their platform, which will last until 09:00 PM UTC. All D24 services are fully operational.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates if there are any improvements.

Jul 14, 17:45 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 15, 08:48 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 15, 06:32 UTC
Identified - We want to inform you that WebPay is still presenting issues on their side which continue to affect their approvals.
We will continue monitoring and updating the incident as soon as any news becomes available.

Jul 15, 01:07 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 14, 23:01 UTC
Update - We want to inform you that we are observing a decrease in conversion rates for WebPay due to an intermittence from the Transbank side. All D24 services are fully functional. We are closely monitoring the situation and will update this incident as soon as we have any news.
Jul 14, 21:18 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Banco Ripley payments due to an error on their HomeBanking application, affecting Webpay payments. All D24 services are fully functional.
We are closely monitoring this situation and will provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 14, 15:53 UTC
Jul 14, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 14, 21:59 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 14, 21:17 UTC
Investigating - We are currently investigating this issue.
Jul 14, 18:49 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 14, 20:13 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 14, 19:40 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified issues with Open Finance (ITP), affecting bank transfers for all banks. All D24 services are fully operational.
We will continue to monitor this incident and provide updates as soon as there are any developments.

Jul 14, 19:02 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 14, 13:15 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 14, 12:20 UTC
Investigating - We are currently investigating this issue.
Jul 14, 11:07 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 14, 10:37 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that Banco Santander is currently experiencing an error in their Home Banking application, resulting in lower conversion rates for the method and affecting payments through Webpay as well. All D24 services are fully functional. We are closely monitoring this situation and will provide updates if there are any improvements.
Jul 14, 09:46 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 14, 07:16 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 14, 06:49 UTC
Identified - We want to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of PSE payments due to an maintenance on their platform. All D24 services are fully operational. We are closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates in case of any improvements.
Jul 14, 05:23 UTC
Investigating - We are currently investigating this issue.
Jul 14, 05:15 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 14, 05:17 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 14, 04:51 UTC
Update - We would like to inform you that Banco Estado, Banco Santander, Banco Falabella and Banco de Chile are currently presenting an error on their Home Banking application, resulting in lower conversion rates for the methods, Bank Transfer and WebPay. All D24 services are fully functional.
We are closely monitoring this situation and will provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 14, 04:31 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that Banco Estado, Banco Santander and Banco de Chile are currently presenting an error on their Home Banking application, resulting in lower conversion rates for the methods and Bank Transfer. All D24 services are fully functional.
We are closely monitoring this situation and will provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 14, 04:12 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 14, 05:15 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 14, 04:53 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Caixa payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 14, 04:03 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 14, 02:00 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 14, 01:24 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that BBVA is presenting issues on their side, resulting in an intermittence that affects the BBVA Bancomer and SPEI payments. All D24 services are fully functional.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will update you on this incident as soon as we see any improvements.

Jul 13, 23:52 UTC
Jul 13, 2024
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 13, 19:32 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 13, 19:01 UTC
Update - We would like to inform you that we have identified that the issues with Caixa also impact the completion of payouts for their customers.
We are actively monitoring the situation and will provide updates as soon as any new information becomes available.

Jul 13, 17:48 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Caixa payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 13, 17:25 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 13, 06:00 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will keep monitoring and inform you of further issues.
Jul 13, 05:46 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that Banco Estado, Banco Santander and Banco Falabela are currently presenting an error on their Home Banking application, resulting in lower conversion rates for the methods and Bank Transfer. All D24 services are fully functional.
We are closely monitoring this situation and will provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 13, 05:06 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Jul 13, 02:25 UTC
Monitoring - We are now seeing the conversion rates reaching the expected values. We will continue monitoring over the next few minutes and close the incident if no further issues arise.
Jul 13, 02:06 UTC
Identified - We would like to inform you that we have identified a decrease in the conversion rates of Caixa payments due to an error on their Home Banking application, affecting deposits and Pix transactions. All D24 services are fully functional.
We will closely monitor this situation and provide updates in case of any improvements.

Jul 13, 01:45 UTC